In fact, criminals will try to extort your login details and SMS code to clear your account. They may also trick you into installing an app on your phone that will allow them to access it remotely. If you have any doubts whether you are talking to an employee of a given company or institution, never provide your details. Hang up and call the service provider or institution directly yourself. Remember that criminals can spoof caller does not necessarily mean the call is genuine. Interesting fact: According to the report prepared by CERT regarding Incident Handling Statistics in , the largest number of online incidents concerned computer fraud - including phishing.
Up to days after the end of its billing period, it can be renewed at the standard price. After Phone Number List another days, it can be renewed for an additional fee. After another days, the domain is irreversibly released for registration. Interesting fact: In the case of Polish domains, the NASK registry provides a daily list of expired Internet domains that are eligible for re-registration. The list of deleted domains is updated after : a.m. - it is worth checking it for interesting addresses that have been released. Domain billing periods worth remembering Quarantine or Quarantine - a period during which the domain can still be renewed after paying a renewal fee and an additional restoration fee.
However, according to various sources, approximately - of all emails sent globally are SPAM messages. According to a report by Kaspersky, in as many as . of all messages sent were SPAM messages. We have a tip: We have already written about phishing, one of the most popular methods of online fraud, on our blog in the article What is phishing and how not to be deceived What is an anti-spam filter A spam filter is software or a service that is designed to detect and block unwanted email, or SPAM, before it reaches the user's inbox. Spam filters use various methods and techniques to recognize SPAM and protect users from its negative impact. How does the anti-spam filter work The anti-spam filter works based on rules that determine whether a given message is SPAM or not. These rules can be developed and updated by humans or algorithms that have learned to recognize the characteristic features of SPAM.